
Saturday, September 22, 2012

Amish reaching out or is it us intruding...
And so they kinda did it to each other; normally a closed society all onto themselves until this act of violence, And so what do we wanna do? Violence begets violence, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth? Wow, is that what we really wanna do and to what end? People say a measure of a civilized society is in its capacity of understanding, acceptance and compassion, and not what the Gov't wanna do what tantamounts to revenge. Wake up people, stop the Gov't's use of the laws to act violently. Laws can't act to look after people, only people caring compassionate people can look after people. The Gov't is wrong and don't know about it; for them it's business as usual. Or anything to keep the Prison Complex going so their investors continue making a lucrative living. Hmmmmm.......... Let's call the Gov't out

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