
Friday, February 20, 2009

Life Style Change

Life style change. What one eats becoming one who keeps eating, and eating. That's a life style that breeds diabete type II and a whole bunch of nasty health problems. Eventually it transpires into societal woes and fiscal issues that creates the have's and have not's in this community. Poor adult health continues to breed children who are obese yet malnourished, and then more of. Unfortunately for them the grown-up's are shaping their children's future through fast foods and poor life style. Businesses and Governments are responsible as well contributing to yet another generation of fat, weak citizens.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Self Esteem v Self Competency

Self esteem is a much sought after feeling, yet a rather elusive state of mind if you know what I mean. You see, we all want to feel good about ourselves, and when we do feel better we are happy and the reverse when we don't feel as good. And so the path to that journey has begun; go after that feeling of self worth like one does to that holy grail, soughtable but elusive and temporary. I would like to suggest that we cast aside that useless concept - SELF ESTEEM, and instead teach each one of us anew to acquire SELF COMPETENCY. What is self competency? Simple. It is what we do with ourselves through living and learning to teach ourselves skills that are important to us. Through learning and acquiring skills we become more capable and useful with and to ourselves. May the skills be driving a car, typing, writing on the net, speaking publicly, boxing well in the ring, etc. Now you begin to get the idea; get them skills down pat and you will soon feel better about who you are. It's only through learning and applying what you have learned in life that make you useful and soon enough peaceful and even happy. Happy that you have accomplished something, whatever they may be, and that you continue to help yourself and hopefully others that connect you and them into one happy entity. Thus my own journey - pick up more skills, and hopefully useful ones from here to death!


We don't hear much of this word, accountability in our daily lives. What does it really mean anyway? When used in the context of sentencing in the Criminal Court, it usually meant making the guilty felon pay back for his bad deeds against Society. Once in a blue moon, we would hear the word "accountability" associated with wrong doing's by public servants and or politicians. Personally, I'd like to bring back the use of this word "accountability" in our daily, ordinary way of living. We'll use it with our kids in school, with employees and employers, with parents raising their children, with adolescents and their parents, and in many other such human interactions and relationships. In contrast, let's minimize using the words "it's my rights ..." Maybe having too much rights in absence of "accountability" make us what we are today -- violence, intolerance, dispassion for anyone different, and such like's and 'schisms. So, bottomline is let's start here. I'll be accountable to all those I meet today and tomorrow, and I'll expect accountability from them, no more and no less.