
Sunday, October 21, 2012

Afghan child brides under UN spotlight - Channel NewsAsia

Afghan child brides under UN spotlight - Channel NewsAsia

Poverty and man-arranged religious organization helped perpetuate the selling of female children to older men all in the name of cultural beliefs and customs. Those within can't see or the power to invoke changes to the beliefs. For that to happen change must come from outside the cultural hotbeds....even if it meant fighting the ultra religious of the Muslim world. Somebody must stand up for these children, these child brides.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Amish reaching out or is it us intruding...
And so they kinda did it to each other; normally a closed society all onto themselves until this act of violence, And so what do we wanna do? Violence begets violence, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth? Wow, is that what we really wanna do and to what end? People say a measure of a civilized society is in its capacity of understanding, acceptance and compassion, and not what the Gov't wanna do what tantamounts to revenge. Wake up people, stop the Gov't's use of the laws to act violently. Laws can't act to look after people, only people caring compassionate people can look after people. The Gov't is wrong and don't know about it; for them it's business as usual. Or anything to keep the Prison Complex going so their investors continue making a lucrative living. Hmmmmm.......... Let's call the Gov't out

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

When "private" isn't private: discovery in the age of Facebook - Lexology

When "private" isn't private: discovery in the age of Facebook - Lexology  Beware what you wanna post on your Facebook because later you could be compelled by the Court to produce for scrutiny; I guess nothing could be 100% private and confidential once people were aware you have posted on Facebook. In some countries potential employers are seeking "extra-information" about their applicants by gleaning their Facebook accounts. So, use your common sense next time you choose to post pictures, video clips and or provide the kinda details about yourself on any public platform especially the Facebook.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Aviation Company Sued by EEOC for National Origin and Religious Discrimination

Aviation Company Sued by EEOC for National Origin and Religious Discrimination

The reasons for not protecting employees from discrimination in the workplace aren't that important, only the facts the employer failed and subsequently everybody suffered. The laws are very clear and in this kind of case the Court would penalize the Company most heavily, and so it should.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Scheming to get rid of a worker costs employer nearly $1 million - Lexology

Scheming to get rid of a worker costs employer nearly $1 million - Lexology

Company officials take heed from this matter; wrongful dismissal is very expensive besides plain awfully wrong. It'd have been cheaper to offer the employee a buy-out package...

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Blasphemy Law against the poor and illiterate citizens so the rich could live...

State-sponsored hate law could be just as evil when conditions for abusing such law already existed; namely poverty, divided classes and high illiteracy. The blasphemy law highlighted the poor conditions of the people and the hatred of the minority Christians by the Muslims. Very sad when politicians and highly educated citizens allowed this path to continue pitting poor Muslims fighting poor Christians.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Yes, to properly do honor with our elders and particularly the more vulnerable ones needing our support would be indicative we are truly highly evolved civilized people. I doubt the Gov't would initiate this kinda move and the gay elders can't afford to wait around for their earned retirement in resting homes.

The willingness and desire to possess, and the ferocity of hunger matching the greed could but only evoke and or facilitate the creation of these Chinese con artists producing more fakes; first they did them for the nouveau riche in China and then working enough for exports to Canada. Capitalism at its best.